Thursday, February 21, 2008

Worst Nightmare

Last night I had a scary dream that there was a large flying centipede in my house. Since I DESPISE centipedes and large flying insects, this was basically my worst nightmare. Also, this was no ordinary centipede. In addition to its flying capabilities, it was unusually large and it had legs all over its back. (It sort of resembled a flying hairball, with the hairs sticking out all over.) Anyway, in the dream, Jared was trying to kill it but was unsuccessful. Enter my friend Vanessa. She started teasing me with it. You know, chasing me with it and pretending she was going to throw it on me. I was screaming frantically while she and Jared laughed. Then I woke up. I'm not sure how to translate this dream but Vanessa, if you ever tease me with any kind of bug, we can't be friends anymore.


Margo said...

That is hilarious. Did a close friend ever tease you as a child. Maybe it is a deap seated fear of yours. Hey I love the globe collection idea. I am going to have to show Jarren that. He is always begging me to get a globe for the kids but I keep shooting him down. I think I might just have to start buying globes. I feel like I copy all of your great ideas. I hope you take it as a compliment.

Kim said...

Of course I take it as a compliment. I have a thing for maps, globes and atlases. I'm a nerd. As a kid I wanted to be on the show "Where In the World is Carmen San Diego." I loved the end when they would run around on a big floor map putting the siren thingy on all the different countries.

Vanessa said...

I don't even know how to respond to this. I am so sorry that i tortured you with that disgusting bug...the penguin told me to do it.

Kim said...

ahh yes...that dirty penguin. I should have known he was involved!