Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hurricane Spencer

Spencer turned one and decided it was time to wreak havoc on our house. All the books are off the book shelves, the toilet paper is usually unraveled into a messy pile on the bathroom floor, etc, etc... I had sort of forgotten how much damage one little tyke can manage. When left to his own devices, it's actually quite impressive.


Bethany said...

okay this is exactly how I feel with Joseph!!! He is climbing the pantry shelves, he's on top of the counter just getting himself a drink as the water is running. GOOD TIMES!!

Autumn said...

When I first saw your title, I thought-another hurricane? How did I miss this? I love it when little tykes stand on their tippy toes. So cute. I'm glad you captured his destruction.

Melissa said...

Oh its that time again- Oh cleaning never ends even if you just did it 5 minutes ago. We are right there with you so I hope that is a comfort. Silly boys!

Thomas Family said...

ha ha, that is pretty impressive!

the voice of melody said...

What a cute little guy you have! At that age, they have fun exploring (or as we know it...making a mess), but pretty soon he'll want to be a helper and put things back. In what kind of order? Well that's another story!

I'm new to your blog but I'll be returning. It's a beautiful place to "visit".

Many sweet blessings!