Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas To All!
Our family enjoyed a quiet Christmas at home with simple festivities that included reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas before putting two cute boys to bed in their new Christmas pajamas, Jared and I staying up late to wrap presents and then watching It's a Wonderful Life together (love. that. movie!), waking up for lots of paper ripping and present opening, followed by homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast. My sister and her family also came to visit us later in the day so the boys had fun showing off their new toys and playing with their cousins. All in all it was a very fun holiday. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas too!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sensibly Styled
Oh lookie! My cousin just informed me that the family picture I took for her is featured on the blog Sensibly Styled. If you aren't already a reader, it's a great fashion blog which finds stylish yet modest clothing solutions for women. Recently they have been doing a feature on successful family photos and I was thrilled to see Christy's cute family featured!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Twelve Days of Christmas
Geez, it's been awhile since I made an appearance here. I've been busy enjoying the holiday season and spending time with the Mister who is currently on Christmas break-yahoo! Anyway, my sister turned me on to this clever rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas by the a cappella group, Straight No Chaser. I love it. Enjoy:
Friday, December 4, 2009
Making Merry

I got this simple but splendid idea from my friend Marnae to make some paper snowflakes with the boys yesterday. It was so fun. I know it sounds cheesy but I felt like a little kid again-getting really excited to unfold the paper and see the creation I'd made. It's also making me happy to watch them flutter around in my front window.
P.S. If you are looking for some fun holiday activities to do with your kids, my afore-mentioned friend, is sharing some great advent activity ideas on her blog all month long. Go check it out here.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Advent Calendar

(via Say Yes to Hoboken)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and although I don't have many traditions, one I've started with the boys is to read this book, 'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving. I originally acquired the book many years ago at a children's book fair where the author was signing copies. It is a very clever little book written to the same rhythm of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. T1he illustrations are equally as clever and include spoofs on a few famous paintings including American Gothic and Van Gough's Starry Night. Anyway, I just thought I'd share a little sample here:

The book begins with a class field trip to a Turkey Farm where the kids meet Farmer MacNugget and his slew of feathered friends:

The children then devise a plan to rescue the turkeys from their horrible fate by sneaking them home on the bus:
The book concludes with each family enjoying Thanksgiving with a turkey as a guest at the table (instead of as the meal on the table):

Anyway, my description doesn't do the book justice. It is a really cute book that you should check out when you get the chance. Also, I should note that while the book advocates having a vegetarian Thanksgiving, I will definitely be eating turkey tomorrow, and lots of it.
Happy Thanksgiving!
The book begins with a class field trip to a Turkey Farm where the kids meet Farmer MacNugget and his slew of feathered friends:
The children fall in love with the turkeys and are somewhat mortified when they find out the turkeys are to be butchered for Thanksgiving the following day:
The children then devise a plan to rescue the turkeys from their horrible fate by sneaking them home on the bus:
The book concludes with each family enjoying Thanksgiving with a turkey as a guest at the table (instead of as the meal on the table):
Anyway, my description doesn't do the book justice. It is a really cute book that you should check out when you get the chance. Also, I should note that while the book advocates having a vegetarian Thanksgiving, I will definitely be eating turkey tomorrow, and lots of it.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 20, 2009
What Are you Thankful For?
Thanksgiving is less than one week away and I can't wait. (Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, second only to Independence Day.) Watch this video. It made me smile:
(From The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints via Curls Rock.)
(From The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints via Curls Rock.)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Two Going on Sixteen
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Twenty Nine

2. Go to a drive-in movie
3. Read a classic novel (Suggestions?)
4. Make a mobile
5. Volunteer
6. Reupholster the chair sitting in my garage
11. Learn the dance to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" (still in progress)
21. Take back my spice cupboard
27. Create a family photo wall
28. Eat breakfast in bed

I subscribe to Gwenyth Paltrow's free lifestyle e-newsletter, Goop. If you don't get it, you can sign up here. She gives some pretty good advice on everything from travel to fashion, recipes to parenting. Anyway, in her most recent newsletter, she turned me on to a new on-line magazine called Lonny. Apparently it was created by a couple of Domino magazine alumni. (R.I.P. Domino.) I just clicked through it's pages and it is chock-full of great home decor inspiration. Have a moment of silence for Domino and then go check it out for yourself!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Flower Garland

{By Dolci Odille via Oh Joy!}
Monday, October 26, 2009
Class of 2010
I just did my very first senior portraits last week. I was a little nervous, not having worked with a senior before, but I had a great time and I think it's something that I could really get into. Although these probably won't be up on the photo blog for awhile, I was excited to share a little peek:

P.S. When I upload pictures to my blog they look pixel-y and not very sharp. Question #1-do they look this way on your computer screen? And #2- how do I get blogger to upload them at a higher resolution? I know it's possible b/c I see beautiful, sharp images all over the web- help!

P.S. When I upload pictures to my blog they look pixel-y and not very sharp. Question #1-do they look this way on your computer screen? And #2- how do I get blogger to upload them at a higher resolution? I know it's possible b/c I see beautiful, sharp images all over the web- help!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
It's Autumn Time
We have been having the most beautiful fall weather here this week. Pretty sunny skies, warm temperatures and beautiful foliage. (This is a very welcome change after the string of cruddy, winter-like weather we were having last week.) Hooray for fall! And Indian corn. And colorful leaves falling all around. Oh, and glittery pumpkins.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Flea Market Style

Monday, October 12, 2009
Pictures, Pictures and More Pictures

P.S. As a random sidenote, I think those knitted hats for babies are the cutest thing ever. Pretty much the closest thing you can get to a baby having a tail. Adorable.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Still Life
It's family portrait time so I'm up to my ears in images. I'm actually feeling a little buried at the moment. However, among all the image taking and editing madness, I have really been enjoying still life photography. I used to think it was boring but lately it's been a nice change of pace for me. Instead of dancing around to get people to look at the camera I can take my time and really focus on the light and composition of the shot. My Polaroid is especially easy because there is no thinking about exposure settings or retouching in Photoshop. I also love the character of an old grainy image with a little natural vignetting around the edges. Here are a few recent favorites:

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Tie-Neck Pullover

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
More Apples and Happy Fall
Dinner Party
I have been wanting to have a dinner party on our screened porch since we moved in and it finally happened over the weekend. I've decided September is a nice month for this type of get-together because it is still warm enough to dine comfortably outside but without the horrible humidity that looms mid-summer. We had a great evening chatting with friends and getting to know some new friends. I decorated with white lanterns above the table and the centerpiece was a store bought bouquet, scattered among Mason jars and bud vases I picked up awhile back at the thrift store. I think it came together nicely. Hooray for outdoor dinner parties!

Monday, September 21, 2009
New Pictures

Friday, September 18, 2009
Apple Picking

I went apple picking with the boys at a local orchard today. I think Spencer ate an apple that was roughly half the size of his head. No joke. But I can't blame him. Fresh picked apples are absolutely delicious and, as I discovered today, very pretty to look at as well.
File Under
What I'm Up To
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thank You Postcards
These are the thank you cards Mitch sent out after his birthday. Although I don't do it nearly often enough, thank you note writing is important to me so I've tried to encourage it since Mitchell was just a little guy. Before he could talk, I would write the note and then let him scribble on it. Although he still can't write, he is now old enough to formulate a really cute and sincere sentiment of gratitude which I simply write down for him. Also, I still let him decorate the notes which makes it all the more charming.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner
Patrick Swayze died yesterday. I'm thinking I should rent Ghost in his memory (can you believe I've never seen that movie?) But for now, here's a little Dirty Dancing for your viewing enjoyment.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Virginia is for Lovers...
or in our case: Virginia is for a car full of cranky people who, for the sake of family unity, decided to cut their vacation short. Seriously. I think my exact words to Jared were: "Let's just go home and forget any of this ever happened." (Lesson learned: small children + long hours in the car + boring sight seeing and shopping upon arriving at desired destination = unhappy children. Unhappy children = unhappy parents.) However, before we pulled the plug on our little getaway, we did manage to see some cool stuff including a very quaint outdoor pedestrian mall, Monticello (the home of Thomas Jefferson), gorgeous views of the Blue Ridge mountains from Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park and Luray Caverns:

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