Thursday, May 29, 2008
Quintessential Mitch

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Senator Palpatine

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
ABC Animal Prints

(Via Black*Eiffel)
Look Who's Laughing Now
I remember when Jared and I were young, naive parents shopping for diapers for the first time. I distinctly remember being in the diaper aisle at Target with Jared, happily purchasing the smallest newborn diapers for our precious little one. I also remember looking at all the other diapers and imagining our tiny baby boy growing into the size one, size two, size three and size four diapers. (Ahhh, happy sigh.) I also remember seeing the size five and size six diapers and saying out loud to Jared something like, "Ha! Who's child needs to wear a size FIVE or a size SIX diaper!? Why don't they just buy Depends! Surely our perfect little baby will be potty trained by that time!" Then we both threw our heads back in arrogant laughter and ignorantly toted our little package of newborn diapers out of the store. Now, two years wiser and more mature, I realize it's okay and completely normal for a toddler to wear a size five or six diaper. I also realize (much to my dismay) that it's okay to be 2 1/2 and not potty trained. Even though I understand all this, I just couldn't shake that first diaper buying experience from my memory and have been squeezing Mitch into a size four diaper for as long as I possibly could. That is, until this week. Now, let's just say Mitch is the one doing all the laughing and you guessed it...he's doing it in a size five diaper.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

About a year ago I saw a little girl wearing the cutest backpack. I made a mental note of the tag on the bag which read, Marimekko. I googled the name only to discover that Marimekko is a renown textile design company based in Finland. The company was established in 1951 so I'm sure this is not a new discovery to most. However, I do live under a sizable rock (in the Midwest, no less) so I'm not usually the first to hear about cool stuff. But, in case you live under an even bigger rock than I do and are just now hearing about Marimekko for the first time, you can see more stuff here and here.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Ham & Cheese Brunch Squares
2 cups (8 oz) grated Colby & Monterey Jack cheese blend, divided
1 pkg (22.5 oz) frozen toaster hash brown patties, thawed
8 oz cream cheese, softened
12 eggs
1/2 tsp coarsely ground black pepper
8 oz thickly sliced deli ham
4-5 green onions with tops, divided (about 1 cup sliced)
3 plum tomatoes
Additional coarsely ground black pepper (optional)
1. Preheat oven to 450. Lightly brush a jelly roll pan with vegetable oil. (A 9x13 pan can also be used, resulting in thicker squares.) Crumble hash brown patties over pan; press gently into an even layer. Sprinkle half of the cheese evenly over hash browns. Bake 13-15 minutes or until crust starts to brown and cheese is melted.
2. Meanwhile, whisk cream cheese until smooth. Gradually add eggs and black pepper; whisk until smooth. Coarsely chop ham. Slice green onions, reserving 1/4 cup of the tops for garnish. Saute ham and remaining green onions over medium heat 2-3 minutes or until hot. Stir ham mixture into egg mixture.
3. Remove pan from oven. Pour egg mixture over crust. Return pan to oven; bake 6-8 minutes or until center is set. (I found that this took longer than 6-8 minutes, more like 10-12) Meanwhile, slice tomatoes, scrape out seeds and dice. When eggs are set, remove pan from oven and top with remaining cheese, tomatoes and reserved green onion. Sprinkle with additional black pepper if desired. Cut into squares and serve!
I served the brunch squares with this delicious sour cream coffee cake recipe and fresh fruit. Yum!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Summer Solstice

Double Bummer
Also, you know the store I blogged about yesterday, Paper Thread? Well, after several fruitless attempts to find their web-site I called the store. Can you believe they don't have one? I was floored. Seriously folks, no web-site? Double bummer.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Paper Thread
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Pink Dish Gloves

Seriously, I think every gal ought to own a pair. Just think how cute you'll look cleaning the bathroom in these little polka dot pretties! What's even better, is that $1 from every sale goes to support the American Cancer Society's education and early detection program. So not only do you get to look cute cleaning the john, but you can also say you are directly responsible for funding breast cancer research. Cool, huh? And no pressure, but this post just wouldn't be complete without one more shameless sales pitch: If you want a pair, let me know! I'll have a bona fide consultant here on Saturday and would be happy to place an order for you.
If Life Were A Musical
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
"It's On You"
Monday, May 12, 2008
I Love/Hate Letterpress
Okay, so I'm not getting married anytime soon and I'm not having another baby anytime soon. I should also mention that I would most likely have to sell the baby who's birth I was announcing to pay for these BUT that doesn't stop me from looking. Letterpress, why do you have to be so beautiful and desirable, yet so expensive and out of my reach? I love you and I hate you.
(For more lovely letterpress eye candy click on the Bella Figura link below.)
Bella Figura via Oh Happy Day.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
For My Mom on Mother's Day
Friday, May 9, 2008
Kim 101
1. I love to travel but find it is not quite as enjoyable with children.
2. The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday.
3. I get goosebumps when I hear the national anthem.
4. I get songs stuck in my head easily. (My husband often takes advantage of this.)
5. I love playing tennis, although I haven't played for about 5 years.
6. I have a tendency to over explain things.
7. (Hence, the frequent use of explanatory text inside parenthesis.)
8. I like to sing and wish I were really good at it.
9. As a child I wanted to grow up to be an author and illustrator of children's books.
10. I have always wanted to have a sprinkling of small freckles on my nose and cheeks.
11. I am an entrepreneur at heart and always have different business ideas floating around in my head.
12. I like to whistle.
13. I love giving (and receiving) homemade gifts.
14. I have been to Europe.15. I enjoy gardening and landscaping.
16. Washing my car by hand is one of my favorite things to do on a nice warm day.
17. I took piano lessons for seven years but I'm still not very good.
18. In Jr. High I played the flute and then the string bass. Not very good at those either.
19. I love pretty paper and stationary.
20. I wish I spoke a foreign language fluently. Spanish or Portuguese, preferably.
21. I get distracted easily.
22. I won a trip to Disney World when I was 12.
23. I like my name but if I had to choose another one, it would be “Claire.”
24. I have no desire, whatsoever, to ever run a marathon.
25. I am good at sports but I'm not very competitive.
26. I try to avoid confrontation but if confrontation is unavoidable, I can be pretty sassy.
27. I am number two in a family of five children.
28. I have a pretty strong opinion on most issues.29. Sometimes I think I talk too much.
30. When I first met Jared, I never would have imagined I would marry him two years later.
31. I'm really glad I married Jared.
32. I hate winter.
33. I looked exactly like a boy in the 7th grade. (One of these days I'll post a picture and you will laugh.)
34. I am fascinated by and enjoy visiting big cities.
35. Much to Jared's dismay, I am not a romantic person.
36. Movie stars annoy me yet I am drawn to celebrity gossip.
37. It annoys me that I am drawn to celebrity gossip.
38. I have never had a desire to meet anyone famous.
39. I hardly watch any TV but I spend too much time on the internet.
40. I do not like having unfinished projects, though I probably have at least five right now.
41. If I had to pick one thing I definately want to do before I die it would be to go to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania for the Ground Hog Day celebration.
42. I love the beach but I am scared of swimming in lakes and oceans (or really anything I can't see the bottom of and that has other living creators in it.)
43. I am not good at math. And I hate it.
44. I am afraid of the dark, large flying insects and port-o-potties. (I would be absolutely petrified to use a port-o-potty in the dark. Throw a large flying insect in there and I'd be toast.)
45. Jared has finally convinced me that when it comes to shoes, it is best to forfeit fashion for comfort.
46. I think I have pretty feet.
47. I love how my hair feels when it has just been cut.
48. I enjoy making lists,
49. including this one.50. I do not like any kind of carbonated beverage.
51. I have never tasted an alcoholic beverage.
52. I really admire my grandmother, Virginia.
53. I love musicals. (Sometimes I wish real life were more like a musical in that people could spontaneously break into group song and dance at the grocery store and other random places.)
54. My favorite musical is "Seven Brides or Seven Brothers," followed by “Meet Me in
55. I have always been a morning person and don't like staying up late.
56. I don't gamble, but if I did I think could easily form an addiction to it.
57. Every time I spell a word like "belief" or "relieve," I always have to recite the " 'i' before 'e' except after 'c' " rule in my head.
58. I eat too much sugar.
59. Being a mom is the hardest job I have ever had. It is also the most fun.
60. I did not have my first kiss until after I graduated from high school.
61. I have never been horseback riding or water skiing. I don’t have a desire to do either.
62. I am fascinated by meteorology and could watch The Weather Channel all day long.
63. I would love to be a storm chaser.
66. I would love to hire a cleaning lady.
67. I really don't like talking on the phone. (Sorry if I ever cut you off or seem in a rush to get off, it really has nothing to do with you. Well maybe it does, but not usually.)
68. I don't cry very often.
69. My favorite color is red.
70. I like having an excuse to get all dressed up.
71. I am a good listener.
72. I have a good memory.
73. I can be shy. Mostly in groups or around people I don't know well.
74. I think people often mistake my shyness for being snobby.
75. I wish I were more outgoing.
76. I graduated from
77. My last year of college I wrote for the campus newspaper and hated every minute of it. It was at that point I decided that Journalism probably wasn't for me.
78. I wish I had a more practical degree, like Nursing.
79. But the larger part of me wishes it were something more creative like Graphic Design.
80. I really like cash and I tend to hoard it. Cash as in, tangible money. I'll spend $200 on a debit card before I even think about touching the twenty dollar bill I got for Christmas three years ago.
81. I do not get offended easily.
82. My middle name is
83. I imagine hosting really fun parties at my house, but rarely ever do.
84. I have never had to watch my weight.
85. I love being outdoors.
86. My favorite season is autumn.
87. Thanks to Jared, I have grown to love college football and find myself actually looking forward to college football season. (I am partial to Ohio State. Go bucks!)
88. I laugh easily. (Sometimes too easily.)
89. I rarely lose my temper.
90. I love spaghetti with meatballs.
91. I grew up in a VERY small town that just so happens to be the "Clay Capital of the World." (Cool, huh?)
92. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That means I'm Mormon. (FYI: Polygamists are NOT Mormon.)
93. I wouldn't mind having a clock collection.
94. I like to sew.
95. Wearing perfume gives me a headache.
96. If Jared and I were to get married all over I would a) elope and b) hire a professional photographer.
97. I wish I had skin that looked normal with no makeup.
98. I hate not knowing what time it is.
99. My first job as a teenager was working at Dairy Queen.
100. I enjoy mundane tasks like mowing the lawn and stuffing envelopes.
101. I like blogging. (Who would've guessed?)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Thumb Sucker
A Couple Things I'm Loving Right Now
b) Sticker paper from Staples. I'm thinking the labeling possibilities could be endless.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Plate Collection
CAPA Summer Movie Series

Monday, May 5, 2008
Happy Cinco De Mayo
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Cool Beverage Anyone?

I enjoy a cool* beverage but I think I would enjoy it even more if it were coming from this cool** beverage jar. Available here for $40. Not bad.
*Cool, Adj: moderately cold.
**Cool, Slang: great, fine, excellent.