Monday, July 11, 2011

Time Out Book

Mitchell and Spencer play together really well the majority of the time. Really. They are like two peas in a pod. However, certain days they have a little more trouble getting along. Just recently, I remembered an idea I got from my sister-in-law way back before I had any kids. She said when her girls would argue, she would have them sit in time out where she had pictures them being nice to one another displayed on the wall. I thought that was a great idea so I decided to do something similar for Mitchell and Spencer. I just used a cheap-o photo album from the dollar store and filled it with lots of pictures of them sharing, playing and laughing. Now when they are arguing, they go to time out and look through the book together. When they are ready to say sorry and act like the pictures in the book, they get to come out. This is really the first day I've tried the book and so far so good. They love looking at pictures of themselves so they forget whatever dumb toy they were fighting over to begin with. Don't worry. I'm sure the bloom will where off by tomorrow and I'll have to think of something new but if it works for one day, I'll consider it a success!


  1. That's so cute. My girls would probably start fighting over looking at the book, however. You'll have to let me know if it continues to work!

  2. great idea! i'll def do that when mine are older x
