In addition to her oh-so-cute kid creations, Kathleen, author of the lovely blog
Grosgrain, is now doing clothing for grown-ups! I just checked out her blog and one of her latest
give-aways is a
thrift store revival dress! While perusing her site, I also noticed a link to another blog,
Wardrobe Refashion, which is dedicated entirely to recycling old clothes. Apparently this is a movement! I say hooray for refurbished fashion!
and you sure are a new talent in this field of fashion. I've loved your designs too! Wish I were as creative as you!
Ohh Kim-thanks for the links. When I initially saw these I loved them but was way too nervous about my abilities to take on such a project-as much as I liked them. I decided if I would do it for anyone it would be for the cutie of the house. The last link you gave just might be the motivation I need-I LOOOOOVE the men's shirt recreation. Oh buddy-I think I'll go to the thrift store on Monday! Thanks.
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