Monday, March 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Dear Jared

Jared is 30 years old today! We actually celebrated Saturday night with his brothers/brother-in-law and german chocolate cake! Yum. It was a nice, low key celebration. No big suprise afterall which is the way Jared usually likes to celebrate his birthday. And what better birthday present could he have than a 63 degree day?! Happy birthday sweetie!


  1. Happy BIG 30th Jared!
    That cake looks so yummy:-)

  2. Seriously, THAT is a cake! And I couldn't agree more-the weather has to be the best gift ever. Jake had fun on Saturday.

  3. Happy bday Jared!!!! Your cake looks very yummy, I want to eat it! Scott says HBD, too.

  4. did you brave my frosting again? if so, how did it turn out? i can't tell from the picture, but it looks like mine.....? i'm hungry.
