I have been hibernating this winter and in so doing have been neglecting this poor blog. Know that we are still alive and still anxiously awaiting spring! I am a little bummed because March has been a major let down so far but I am still
so happy February is OVER! Anyway, over the past month or so I have been trying to keep my mind off the weather with several projects including a homemade chambray skirt (I'll post pictures when the weather is actually warm enough to wear it), refinishing my kitchen table, celebrating Jared's 33rd birthday, making lots of strawberry jam (I know it's a little early but strawberries were on sale for 79 cents a quart!) and watching Caroline grow like a weed. Speaking of the littlest one, she has finally sprouted some hair on top and her newest trick is sitting up. We're hoping the rain will stop and the mercury will rise so we can get outside and play sooner rather than later. Seriously, spring is welcome anytime now!
(Caroline 8 months)