As I mentioned in my previous post, I hit a parked car going about 30-40 mph on Thursday night. I'm not sure what happened. I was in full auto pilot, watching the green light ahead of me, but NOT paying attention to the four cars in front of it that
weren't moving. (Oops!) Everyone involved was physically okay, the only damage to me was to my ego. (Who hits a parked car in broad day light? I wasn't even talking on the phone. Just driving along and BOOM!) However, since I hit the girl in front of me going so fast, she hit the car in front of her, who then hit the car in front of him, who then hit the car in front of him! It was a complete domino and in the end there were three other cars involved. It was a mess and I'm glad it's over. The funny thing is, this is the first car I've ever owned that has been manufactured in the current decade and I've had to file not one but
TWO insurance claims within the past month. I'm thinking I should stink to vehicles from the late 80s to mid-90s...I have had much better luck with those.