I actually have no idea what I was thinking when I suggested we go to Cedar Point for our anniversary because I'm not a big theme park/roller coaster kind of gal. However, I did manage to have an okay time in spite of the fact that I spent most of the day absolutely terrified. I have a tendency to scream like a little girl on most amusement park rides but I actually kicked it up a notch on Saturday. It's been a long time since I've been on any type of ride and the first one we went on (Maxair) was really quite scary. So much so, that I teared up when they buckled me in! Yes. I cried up until the ride started and then proceeded to scream like a maniac until it was over. The worst part? I was sitting next to a girl who was about 8 years old and she didn't make a peep. I think it was a good thing we went on such a scary ride first because it worked a lot of anxiety out of my system and I managed to hold it together the rest of the day. Although we had a decent time, Jared and I both decided that we're too old for this stuff. The rides gave us headaches and made us dizzy and our backs and legs hurt from standing in line all day. In all honesty, by the end of the day I felt like I needed someone to push me out of the park in a wheelchair. No lie. So here's to five years of marriage and (barely) surviving a day at Cedar Point. I don't think we'll be heading back anytime soon.