Monday, March 31, 2008
Get Excited
Why? Because it's cupcake week at Martha Stewart. I love cake but I think I enjoy it even more in cupcake form. This one looks exceptionally appealing.

Watch Out Julie Andrews

Last night I had a dream I was starring as "Maria" in The Sound of Music. All fine and dandy but here's the dilemma: I was basically putting on the entire show single-handedly. Lucky for me, it was a very condensed version of the real production. (For example, we did the opening scene where she is singing on top of the mountain, the scene where she leaves the Abbey, the scene where she arrives at the von Trapp's...just enough where the audience got the gist of the story but no details.) To make matters worse, I was winging the entire thing: the lines, the songs- everything! But even though I was doing a decent job the audience started to get tired of waiting around for my wardrobe changes only for me to come out, say a couple lines, sing the chorus to a song and then disappear behind the curtain again. (Give me a break- I'm only one person!) The dream ended right before I was about to come out and sing "Doe, Ray, Me" with the von Trapp children. (I must admit, I was a little disappointed because I know most of the words to that song and I knew I could have nailed it- thus redeeming myself with the frustrated audience before I woke up.) But barring that minor disappointment, I was glad the dream ended because the whole thing was starting to get kind of stressful. I'm not sure what this dream means but man am I glad I don't have to put on a one man production of The Sound of Music today. Phew!
The Case of the Missing Pens
Although I seem to buy pens incessantly, within a matter weeks after buying said pens, my desk drawer looks like this:

I have a couple Exact-o knives (one of which is missing a blade), a paper clip, a seam ripper, a safety pin, a silver pen that doesn't work, a red pen that doesn't work, a handful of pencils that need sharpening, a pair of tweezers...a log, a frog, a dog, a poodle, a noodle, a doodle... BUT NOT A BLUE OR BLACK pen in sight! Where, I ask, do all my stinking pens go? I think I'm going to have to call Nancy Drew to crack this case. Does anyone else have this problem?
I have a couple Exact-o knives (one of which is missing a blade), a paper clip, a seam ripper, a safety pin, a silver pen that doesn't work, a red pen that doesn't work, a handful of pencils that need sharpening, a pair of tweezers...a log, a frog, a dog, a poodle, a noodle, a doodle... BUT NOT A BLUE OR BLACK pen in sight! Where, I ask, do all my stinking pens go? I think I'm going to have to call Nancy Drew to crack this case. Does anyone else have this problem?
Friday, March 28, 2008
My Camera
I've been experimenting with my camera (and picassa) a little bit lately. I am embarrassed to say that I have owned a really nice digital SLR camera for almost a year and I'm just now getting around to learning all it's functions. I bought it with hopes to start a little business taking baby and family pictures for other people- which I still intend to do. However, while I think I have a decent eye for taking pictures, I am not the greatest at taking the time to learn new things. Especially the inner workings of a camera. ("Why do I have to know about shutter speed?", "Can't it just magically do what I want it to do?", "Why to I have to read the manual?") Also, I think I have adult onset Attention Deficit Disorder because I have at least five other random business ideas in my head at all times and it seems impossible for me to narrow my focus to just one. However, I am bound and determined to take great pictures and make money doing it. With said money I want to buy some new lenses, indoor studio lighting, props/backgrounds and Photoshop. My hope is to have a little home studio set up eventually. But I'm really getting ahead of my self. First things first. I've got to read that darn camera manual!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sweater Makeover
I couldn't resist posting this because it involves a fabric flower embellishment. Click here for instructions on how to make an old sweater look like this:
I think this just might take my thrift store shopping to a whole new level.
As seen on Oh Happy Day.

As seen on Oh Happy Day.
That's A Wrap
FYI: The Martha Stewart Collection of wrapping paper is on sale at Michaels for $1.00 a roll! (The clearance tag said $2.00 so I was pleasantly surprised when I got to the register.) In addition to it's pretty packaging capabilities, this is a heavier weight paper that would also make great shelf or drawer liner.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Easter
Only Martha

Friday, March 21, 2008
New Years Resolutions Revisited
The New Year is a time for renewal and resolutions. I am assuming most of you are like me when it comes to resolutions, you go pretty strong through January and then fizzle flat out in February. (Which I don't think is all bad. I mean, I just can't set high expectations for myself in February. Showering on a somewhat regular basis, resisting the urge to beat my head against a wall all day and eating several years worth of pumpkin crisp is pretty much all I can make time for. As you are all well aware, hating winter is a full time job around here. What I am trying to get at: I justify my resolution failure by counting February as a freebie month.) However, yesterday marked the first day of spring. Also a time of renewal and for me, a re-evaluation of the resolutions I set in January. So here goes:
Resolution: Host a dinner/party once a month.
Progress: January - no excuse, February- freebie, March- I'm counting Jared's birthday party and we had the missionaries over for the first time in over a year.
Plan: I'm making a list of party ideas for the upcoming months.
Resolution: Cook dinner at least 3 times per week.
Progress: I haven't really been counting. I set the bar pretty low at 3 meals per week so I think I'm doing okay here. Some weeks are better than others and there is still A LOT of room for improvement.
Plan: See if I can somehow trick Vanessa into cooking for my family in addition to her own. Okay for real, I need to hop on the meal planning train.
Resolution: Exercise 4 times per week.
Progress: January - going strong, February - freebie (and Mitch broke my favorite workout video), March - I'm doing better at making it to some classes at the YMCA and I have the replacement for my video on reserve at the library.
Plan: Follow a specific work out schedule and continue to pray for more pleasant weather. (I do a fair amount of walking when the weather is favorable...)
Resolution: Read one book per month.
Progress: January - The Art of the Handwritten Note, February - freebie, March - Better get on this. I'm not a big reader. I need to read the owners manual for my camera (that I'm embarrassed to admit I've owned for almost a year now) so maybe I'll count that?
Plan: Make a list of books to read. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Resolution: Floss everyday.
Progress: January - great, February - freebie, March - not doing so hot.
Plan: I don't know. Just start doing it I guess?
Resolution: Play tennis.
Progress: January/February/March: Freebies due to inclement weather.
Plan: Sign up for a class this summer through the Dublin rec.
So there you have it. What were some of your resolutions and how are you doing with them?
Resolution: Host a dinner/party once a month.
Progress: January - no excuse, February- freebie, March- I'm counting Jared's birthday party and we had the missionaries over for the first time in over a year.
Plan: I'm making a list of party ideas for the upcoming months.
Resolution: Cook dinner at least 3 times per week.
Progress: I haven't really been counting. I set the bar pretty low at 3 meals per week so I think I'm doing okay here. Some weeks are better than others and there is still A LOT of room for improvement.
Plan: See if I can somehow trick Vanessa into cooking for my family in addition to her own. Okay for real, I need to hop on the meal planning train.
Resolution: Exercise 4 times per week.
Progress: January - going strong, February - freebie (and Mitch broke my favorite workout video), March - I'm doing better at making it to some classes at the YMCA and I have the replacement for my video on reserve at the library.
Plan: Follow a specific work out schedule and continue to pray for more pleasant weather. (I do a fair amount of walking when the weather is favorable...)
Resolution: Read one book per month.
Progress: January - The Art of the Handwritten Note, February - freebie, March - Better get on this. I'm not a big reader. I need to read the owners manual for my camera (that I'm embarrassed to admit I've owned for almost a year now) so maybe I'll count that?
Plan: Make a list of books to read. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Resolution: Floss everyday.
Progress: January - great, February - freebie, March - not doing so hot.
Plan: I don't know. Just start doing it I guess?
Resolution: Play tennis.
Progress: January/February/March: Freebies due to inclement weather.
Plan: Sign up for a class this summer through the Dublin rec.
So there you have it. What were some of your resolutions and how are you doing with them?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
A Special Delivery
I've always heard "April showers bring May flowers." Well in my case apparently it's "Winter downers get spring flowers." I guess if you complain about winter long enough, someone will eventually send you flowers. My mom sent me this lovely arrangement for the first day of spring. Thanks Mom! You (and the calendar) made my day!
Fabric at Ikea
Ikea has a new fabric line. Unfortunately they don't sell it on-line but lucky for me, they just opened a store a couple hours from my house. While I won't make a special trip just for a few yards of fabric, I will sleep better tonight just knowing it's there and that it only costs $5.99 a yard.
As seen on Design Mom.
Happy Spring!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Expensive Shampoo

I recently bought this salon shampoo and conditioner. Totally out of character for me. I'm a 99 cent Suave kind of gal and I never use conditioner. However, after lamenting my hair woes to my stylist, she advised that salon shampoo really does make a difference and that I should consider using conditioner. (Truth be known, if she told me to jump off a cliff I probably would because she's just that cool and classy. Really and truly. Hi Ruth!) So, as it turns out-she was totally right! It really does make a difference. My hair feels shinier, healthier and more

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Burp Cloths
With all the cruddy weather we've had, I've been able to hole up inside and work on a few sewing projects. I just finished making a couple burp cloths for a gal I used to work with who recently had a baby girl named Elizabeth. I had the embroidery done at a little shop close to my house because I fear that if I owned a machine, everything in my house would be monogramed, including my own body.

Friday, March 14, 2008
This is Getting Ridiculous

Jared and I sold another car. Our 1992 Toyota Camry wagon. I know what you're thinking. "Didn't they just buy that car?" The answer would be yes.
A little background for you. In the 4 1/2 years we have been married, we have owned a total of...drum roll please...SEVENTEEN CARS.
(This number does not include the Chinook camper we co-owned with Jared's oldest brother or the Ford Explorer we recently sold but never had our name put on the title.)
So, for those of you who don't already know this about Jared and I, let me do some explaining. When we first got married, we agreed we would only buy cars we could pay cash for. We didn't want a car payment. Our plan? Buy older cars from private owners who are motivated to sell. This plan not only gives Jared the opportunity to utilize his killer negotiating skills, but it also gets us a lot of good deals on cars. Then, we try to sell before we have to do any major repairs (which for older cars is usually within a year.) This buying and selling strategy, coupled with the fact that car shopping for deals is a hobby of Jared's and making a profit (of any kind) is a hobby of mine, has made us the proud owners of 17 cars in less than five years.
But really, seventeen cars? I know, I know. It is getting ridiculous and it's not something I am proud of. In fact it can be a little embarrassing at times. Hence the reason I felt I needed to do some explaining before anyone sees me driving a different car. So when you see me and think "Is that a new car? Didn't they just buy that other car?" You will already know the answer. Yes, we did just buy that other car and now I'm driving a different one. You will also know the reasoning behind it. Jared found a deal on Craigslist and Kim is greedy and wanted to make a profit. What can I say? It's just how we roll.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Top Ten
The Top Ten Signs Your Family is Ready for Spring
#9: You can't remember the last time you showered or combed your hair. (Was it yesterday or the day before?)
#8: You check the weather forecast in warm places like Miami and San Diego compulsively and then cry afterward.
#7: You have seriously contemplated painting your bedroom yellow with hopes it will give you a tan.
#6: You've started threatening "old man winter" with bodily harm as if "he" were a real person.
#5: At the YMCA your kids stare blankly at the swimming pool and say in a confused voice, "Play? Water?"
#4: Your eyes feel like they're going to melt when exposed to natural sunlight.
#3: You say, "I want it to be spring." Your husband's response,"People in hell want ice water."
#2: You want to sell all your belongings and relocate your family to the beach where you plan to make a living selling snow cones and friendship braclets.
You can't say the word "winter" without using an expletive before it.
(And just for my posterity...as of March 12, 2008, there are 8 days until the first official day of spring.)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Cruiser Bike

Monday, March 10, 2008
Mellow Yellow
It makes an appearance with navy blue (which I love) almost every spring so it is definately nothing new and it usually doesn't do much for me. Maybe it's all these gray winter days but anything yellow has been looking really good to me lately. (Clothes, sheets, shoes, paint, curtains, accessories, etc.) Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can wear yellow successfully. If you are a person who can- you should totally buy this stuff. (Find a few of my favorites here, here and here.)

Saturday, March 8, 2008
They Weren't Kidding
So yeah, when the weather man said 14 inches of snow....he wasn't kidding.
You out-of-towners might appreciate these pictures. You in-towners have seen enough snow, I'm sure.
Notice the progression here. Mitch, bundled up and looking excited to go play in the snow.
You Asked For It
I have had this recipe for about five years. However, I was re-introduced to it this past Thanksgiving and what can I say? It was the right combination of ingredients at the right time and I fell for it pretty hard. Now that it's officially "available"- enjoy!
2 cans (15 oz ea.) solid pack pumpkin (you can also use 1 29 oz can but I've found I like it best with the two smaller cans. That extra ounce of pumpkin really packs a punch.)
1 C. firmly packed brown sugar
1 C. granulated sugar (Yes, this is A LOT of sugar. Although I never have, you could probably reduce this and it would still taste really good.)
3 eggs, beaten
1 TBSP vanilla
1 can (12 ounces) evaporated milk
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground allspice
1 box yellow cake mix
3/4 cup butter or margarine
3/4-1 C. chopped nuts (I like pecans)
In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine the pumpkin, sugars, eggs, vanilla, evaporated milk and spices, mixing well.
Pour into a 9x13 inch pan. Sprinkle the dry cake mix on top and pat down gently. (Make sure the cake mix is free of large clumps before you sprinkle it on the top.)
Melt the butter and drizzle evenly over the top. Sprinkle with nuts.
Bake at 350 for 45-60 minutes or until lightly browned and set. Let cool.
This is delicious with a big dollop of cool whip.
(Vanessa-it's totally cool if you want to make a move. I promise it won't be weird if I see you guys together.)
2 cans (15 oz ea.) solid pack pumpkin (you can also use 1 29 oz can but I've found I like it best with the two smaller cans. That extra ounce of pumpkin really packs a punch.)
1 C. firmly packed brown sugar
1 C. granulated sugar (Yes, this is A LOT of sugar. Although I never have, you could probably reduce this and it would still taste really good.)
3 eggs, beaten
1 TBSP vanilla
1 can (12 ounces) evaporated milk
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground allspice
1 box yellow cake mix
3/4 cup butter or margarine
3/4-1 C. chopped nuts (I like pecans)
In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine the pumpkin, sugars, eggs, vanilla, evaporated milk and spices, mixing well.
Pour into a 9x13 inch pan. Sprinkle the dry cake mix on top and pat down gently. (Make sure the cake mix is free of large clumps before you sprinkle it on the top.)
Melt the butter and drizzle evenly over the top. Sprinkle with nuts.
Bake at 350 for 45-60 minutes or until lightly browned and set. Let cool.
This is delicious with a big dollop of cool whip.
(Vanessa-it's totally cool if you want to make a move. I promise it won't be weird if I see you guys together.)
Friday, March 7, 2008
Spring Forward!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
It's Over
Dear Pumpkin Crisp,
I am writing to let you know it's over. The passionate affair we've had going since Thanksgiving has to come to an end. I didn't want to have to do this publicly but I am afraid if I don't, I'll end up running back into your warm, comforting arms as soon as things get rough.
I want you to know this has nothing to do with you. It's me. You know I love your company and all the sweet times we've shared but honestly, our relationship has gotten to the point where it's beginning to be unhealthy. I know you'll understand when I say I just need to take a break for awhile. I hope we can still be friends.
Yours truly,
(BTW: If anyone sees me at the grocery store buying canned pumpkin, evaporated milk, yellow cake mix or any combination of these ingredients, you have my permission to have an intervention with me. If I resist, tell me you're doing it for my own good to help me stay out of an abusive relationship.)
You Have GOT to be Kidding Me

How does this make me feel? Angry.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Easy Gift Idea
I love giving pineapples as gifts. With their exotic look and delightful taste, they are a refreshing alternative to a plate of cookies at Christmas. However, they also perform well when given as a hostess or birthday gift. And while this fruit can market its self, I don't think anything can be made worse by adding a pretty bow and a nice note. (They also make great centerpieces!)

Lovely Paper Site
There is something about beautiful paper coupled with great design. I found this lovely paper site via Design Mom: Cotton Idea Studio. Pricey but fun to look at.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Red Flamingo
A fun exercise I got from Vanessa's blog.
YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car): Chesapeake Camry
YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie): Triple Brownie Soft Sugar
YOUR "FLY Guy/Girl" NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name): K-Bra
YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal): Red Flamingo
YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born): Lynn Dover
YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first): Rehki
SUPERHERO NAME: ("The" + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink): The Pink Water on the Rocks
NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers): Carl Robert
STRIPPER NAME: (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy): Mademoiselle Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bear
TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 4th grade teacher's last name, a major city that starts with the same letter): Bauchman Boston
SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower): Autumn Daisy
CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you're wearing right now + "ie" or "y"): Strawberry Slippery
HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree): Cornmeal Dogwood
YOUR ROCK STAR TOUR NAME: ("The" + Your fave hobby, fave weather element + "Tour"): The Sewing Sunshine Tour
YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car): Chesapeake Camry
YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie): Triple Brownie Soft Sugar
YOUR "FLY Guy/Girl" NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name): K-Bra
YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal): Red Flamingo
YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born): Lynn Dover
YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first): Rehki
SUPERHERO NAME: ("The" + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink): The Pink Water on the Rocks
NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers): Carl Robert
STRIPPER NAME: (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy): Mademoiselle Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bear
TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 4th grade teacher's last name, a major city that starts with the same letter): Bauchman Boston
SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower): Autumn Daisy
CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you're wearing right now + "ie" or "y"): Strawberry Slippery
HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree): Cornmeal Dogwood
YOUR ROCK STAR TOUR NAME: ("The" + Your fave hobby, fave weather element + "Tour"): The Sewing Sunshine Tour
It's That Time of Year
Ruffle Sweater Jacket
Monday, March 3, 2008
Happy Birthday Dear Jared
Welcome March!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
How Many of Me?
A new little website a friend e-mailed me: howmanyofme.com
Click here to find out how many people in the United States have your same name. Turns out my first name is the 59th most popular BUT there is only 1 other person with the same first AND last name.
Click here to find out how many people in the United States have your same name. Turns out my first name is the 59th most popular BUT there is only 1 other person with the same first AND last name.
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